A selection of talks from invited talks, seminar talks, and tutorials; and accompanying slides.
A Selection of Talks
AI for ECG. Invited Talk at les Rencontres Lyonnaises de Cardiologie - . Lyon, France May 17, 2024
Model-Agnostic Transfer Learning and Adaptation to Concept Drift. Invited Department Seminar Talk - AI Institute. Univeristy of Waikato December 21, 2023
Transfer in Time-Series Data Streams. Invited talk at the Time Series and Transfer Learning Workshop - Huawei | Noah’s Ark lab, Paris. Noah’s Ark lab, Paris October 19, 2023
Better Supply-Side and Demand-Side Energy Efficiency via Reinforcement Learning. Department Seminar - Seminar on Sustainable Development. LIX, Ecole polytechnique June 29, 2023
Multi-label Learning: An Update. Keynote talk at the BIDAS 5 Workshop - Basque Centre for Applied Mathematics (BCAM). Bilbao, Spain June 9, 2023
Label-Dependence in Multi-label Learning: A Fresh Look. Invited Talk at MLLCTOC: Multi-Label Learning Current Trends and Open Challenges - An ECML-PKDD Workshop . Grenoble, France September 19, 2022
Multi-label and Multi-target Learning: Applications, Challenges, and Methods. Lab Seminar - AIMLab. (Video Conf.), Technion, Israel January 05, 2021
Apprentissage Multi-cibles - Applications, Défis, et Modèles. Séminaire GRO - Crédit Agricole. (Video Conf.), Paris Decemeber 03, 2020
Classifier Chains for Multi-Label Learning. Test of Time Award - ECML-PKDD 2019. Würzburg, Germany September 18, 2019
Machine Learning and AI in Healthcare. As part of a session with Abdul Barakat and Olaf Mercler on "Biomedical engineering and its applications: an academic perspective" - AI for Health (the Startup Inside group). Palais de Tokyo, Paris September 05, 2019
Multi-output Chain Models and their application in Data Streams. In Special Session "Recent advances in simulation-based methods for numerical integration and inference" at the European Meeting of Statistitians - . Palermo, Italy July 25, 2019
Artificial Intelligence in Time Series and Sequential Decision Making. Workshop - Huawei. Versailles, Frances April 09, 2019
Unified Streaming/Batch Learning and Explainable Multi-output Prediction. Statistics Talk - Statistics section, Mathematics Department, Imperial College London. London, UK March 08, 2019
Artificial Intelligence in Time Series and Sequential Decision Making. Conference on "Intelligence Artificielle et Médecine Personnalisée" - Hôpital Louis Pradel-CHU Lyon. Lyon, France November 06, 2018
Models Deep in the Output Space. Workshop on Emerging Techniques and Applications of AI and Machine Learning - Imperial College London in partnership with the French Embassy in the UK. London, UK September 10, 2018
Classifier Chains for Multi-label Classification. Seminar Talk - University of Helsinki, HIIT Kumpula. Helsinki, Finland March 28, 2014
Advances in Multi-label Classification. Seminar Talk - Universidad de Málaga, Departmento Lenjuages y Ciencias de la Computación. Málaga, Spain June 2011
A Selection of Tutorials
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning. En el curso Aprendizaje Automático del máster Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial - Universidad de Málaga. (online) December 10, 2024
Multi-label Learning. Invited Tutorial - Hi!PARIS Summer School on July 3-6, 2023.. HEC, Paris July 4, 2023
MEKA: A Multi-label extension to WEKA. Invited Tutorial - 2021 International WEKA User Conference. (via Zoom) New Zealand November 26, 2021
Multi-Output Learning with Chaining. Plenary talk - Wroclaw Data Science Day. Wroclaw, Poland November 14, 2019
Multi-label Classification for Batch and Streaming Data. Tutorial - MAESTRA Summer School on Mining Big and Complex Data. Ohrid, Macedonia 06 September 2016
Multi-label Classification. Tutorial - ECML-PKDD Summer School on Data Sciences for Big Data. Porto, Portugal 03 September 2015
Multi-label Classification. Tutorial - Summer School on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (MLKDD). São Carlos, SP, Brazil 16 July 2013