LIX Laboratory, Ecole polytechnique.

Current Teaching Activities

I am currently responsible for the courses

  • CSC_53439_EP (INF639) Deep Reinforcement Learning (AI-ViC, M2)

  • CSC_52081_EP (INF581) Advanced Machine Learning and Autonomous Agents (3A, M1)

  • CSC_2S004_EP (CSE204) Machine Learning (Y2, Bachelor)

  • CSC_52992_EP (INF592) Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Internship Program (Co-responsible with Ioana Manulescu)

I am co-coordinator (with Ioana Manulescu) of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Track 3A.

I have also contributed regularly to the following courses:

  • TPT-DATAAI962 Data Stream Mining (previously DK904 Mining from Data Streams) at Télécom Paris (Responsible: Albert Bifet)

  • INF554 Machine Learning and Deep Learning (previously Machine Learning; Responsible: Michalis Vazirgiannis)

  • Executive Education (Polytechnique ExEd): the Data Science Starter Program and the Advanced AI for Data Analysis program (Responsible: Michalis Vazirgiannis)

  • INF517, CSE303 (PRL) Project-based courses (as supervisor).

    • CSC_2S004_EP Machine Learning, 2024—2025 (Bachelor 2), École Polytechnique

    • CSC_52081_EP Advanced Machine Learning and Autonomous Agents, 2024—2025 (Master 1), École Polytechnique

    • CSC_53439_EP Deep Reinforcement Learning, 2024—2025 (Master 2 (MScT)), École Polytechnique

    • CSE204 Machine Learning, 2023—2024 (Bachelor 2), École Polytechnique

    • INF581 Advanced Machine Learning and Autonomous Agents, 2023—2024 (Master 1), École Polytechnique

    • INF639 Deep Reinforcement Learning, 2023—2024 (Master 2 (MScT)), École Polytechnique

    • CSE204 Machine Learning, 2022—2023 (Bachelor 2), École Polytechnique

    • INF581 Advanced Machine Learning and Autonomous Agents, 2022—2023 (Master 1), École Polytechnique

    • TPT-DATAAI962 Data Stream Mining, 2022—2023 (Master 2), IP-Paris

    • TPT-DATAAI962 Data Stream Mining, 2021—2022 (Master 2), IP-Paris

    • CSE204 Machine Learning, 2021—2022 (Bachelor 2), École Polytechnique

    • INF581 Advanced Machine Learning and Autonomous Agents, 2021—2022 (Master 1), École Polytechnique

    • AAI2 1 Advanced AI for Data Analysis, 2021 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education

    • TPT-DATAAI962 Data Stream Mining, 2020—2021 (Master 2), IP-Paris

    • CSE204 Machine Learning, 2020—2021 (Bachelor 2), École Polytechnique

    • INF581 Advanced Machine Learning and Autonomous Agents, 2020—2021 (Master 1), École Polytechnique

    • AAI1 1 Advanced AI for Data Analysis, 2020 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education

    • INF554 Machine and Deep Learning, 2020—2021 (Master 1), École Polytechnique

    • INF592 Data Science Internships, 2020 (Master 1), DIX École Polytechnique

    • DSSP15 Data Science Starter Program, 2020 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education

    • CSE204 Machine Learning, 2019—2020 (Bachelor 2), École Polytechnique

    • INF581 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 2019—2020 (Master 1), École Polytechnique

    • DSSP13 Data Science Starter Program, 2019 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education

    • DK904 Data Stream Mining, 2019—2020 (Master 2), IP-Paris

    • INF554 Machine and Deep Learning, 2019—2020 (Master 1), École Polytechnique

    • USS1 Undergraduate Summer School on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, 2019 (Year 2), École Polytechnique

    • DSSP12 Data Science Starter Program, 2019 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education

    • BNP-CARDIF2 Data Science Starter Program, 2019 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education

    • DSSP11 Data Science Starter Program, 2018 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education

    • DSSP10 Data Science Starter Program, 2018 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education

    • BNP CARDIF1 Data Science Starter Program, 2018 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education

    • CSE204 Machine Learning, 2018—2019 (Bachelor 2), École Polytechnique

    • DK904 Data Stream Mining, 2018—2019 (Master 2), Université Paris Saclay

    • MAP631 Deep Learning, 2018—2019 (Master 2), École Polytechnique

    • INF581 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 2018—2019 (Master 1), École Polytechnique

    • INF554 Machine Learning I, 2018—2019 (Master 1), École Polytechnique

    • INF581 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 2017—2018 (Master 1), École Polytechnique

    • INF554 Machine Learning I, 2017—2018 (Master 1), École Polytechnique

    • DK904 Internet of Things Big Data Stream Mining, 2017—2018 (Master 2), Université Paris-Saclay

    • MAP670 Methods for Big Data Analytics, 2016—2017 (Master 2), Université Paris-Saclay

    • INF554 Machine Learning I, 2016—2017 (Master 1), École Polytechnique

    • DK904 Internet of Things Big Data Stream Mining, 2016—2017 (Master 2), Université Paris-Saclay

    • T-61.6030 Dynamical Models for Prediction and Decision Making, 2015—2016 (Master), Aalto University

    • Tratamiento de datos, 2013—2014 (Master), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    • Signals and Systems, 2013—2014 (Year 3), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid