Current Teaching Activities
I am currently responsible for the courses
CSC_53439_EP (INF639) Deep Reinforcement Learning (AI-ViC, M2)
CSC_52081_EP (INF581) Advanced Machine Learning and Autonomous Agents (3A, M1)
CSC_2S004_EP (CSE204) Machine Learning (Y2, Bachelor)
CSC_52992_EP (INF592) Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Internship Program (Co-responsible with Ioana Manulescu)
I am co-coordinator (with Ioana Manulescu) of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Track 3A.
I have also contributed regularly to the following courses:
TPT-DATAAI962 Data Stream Mining (previously DK904 Mining from Data Streams) at Télécom Paris (Responsible: Albert Bifet)
INF554 Machine Learning and Deep Learning (previously Machine Learning; Responsible: Michalis Vazirgiannis)
Executive Education (Polytechnique ExEd): the Data Science Starter Program and the Advanced AI for Data Analysis program (Responsible: Michalis Vazirgiannis)
INF517, CSE303 (PRL) Project-based courses (as supervisor).
A full listing of courses is as follows:
CSC_2S004_EP Machine Learning, 2024—2025 (Bachelor 2), École Polytechnique
CSC_52081_EP Advanced Machine Learning and Autonomous Agents, 2024—2025 (Master 1), École Polytechnique
CSC_53439_EP Deep Reinforcement Learning, 2024—2025 (Master 2 (MScT)), École Polytechnique
Aprendizaje Automático Introduction to Reinforcement Learning, 2025 (Masters), Universidad de Málaga
CSE204 Machine Learning, 2023—2024 (Bachelor 2), École Polytechnique
INF581 Advanced Machine Learning and Autonomous Agents, 2023—2024 (Master 1), École Polytechnique
INF639 Deep Reinforcement Learning, 2023—2024 (Master 2 (MScT)), École Polytechnique
CSE204 Machine Learning, 2022—2023 (Bachelor 2), École Polytechnique
INF581 Advanced Machine Learning and Autonomous Agents, 2022—2023 (Master 1), École Polytechnique
TPT-DATAAI962 Data Stream Mining, 2022—2023 (Master 2), IP-Paris
TPT-DATAAI962 Data Stream Mining, 2021—2022 (Master 2), IP-Paris
CSE204 Machine Learning, 2021—2022 (Bachelor 2), École Polytechnique
INF581 Advanced Machine Learning and Autonomous Agents, 2021—2022 (Master 1), École Polytechnique
AAI2 1 Advanced AI for Data Analysis, 2021 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education
TPT-DATAAI962 Data Stream Mining, 2020—2021 (Master 2), IP-Paris
CSE204 Machine Learning, 2020—2021 (Bachelor 2), École Polytechnique
INF581 Advanced Machine Learning and Autonomous Agents, 2020—2021 (Master 1), École Polytechnique
AAI1 1 Advanced AI for Data Analysis, 2020 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education
INF554 Machine and Deep Learning, 2020—2021 (Master 1), École Polytechnique
INF592 Data Science Internships, 2020 (Master 1), DIX École Polytechnique
DSSP15 Data Science Starter Program, 2020 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education
CSE204 Machine Learning, 2019—2020 (Bachelor 2), École Polytechnique
INF581 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 2019—2020 (Master 1), École Polytechnique
DSSP13 Data Science Starter Program, 2019 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education
DK904 Data Stream Mining, 2019—2020 (Master 2), IP-Paris
INF554 Machine and Deep Learning, 2019—2020 (Master 1), École Polytechnique
USS1 Undergraduate Summer School on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, 2019 (Year 2), École Polytechnique
DSSP12 Data Science Starter Program, 2019 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education
BNP-CARDIF2 Data Science Starter Program, 2019 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education
DSSP11 Data Science Starter Program, 2018 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education
DSSP10 Data Science Starter Program, 2018 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education
BNP CARDIF1 Data Science Starter Program, 2018 (Exec. Ed.), École Polytechnique Executive Education
CSE204 Machine Learning, 2018—2019 (Bachelor 2), École Polytechnique
DK904 Data Stream Mining, 2018—2019 (Master 2), Université Paris Saclay
MAP631 Deep Learning, 2018—2019 (Master 2), École Polytechnique
INF581 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 2018—2019 (Master 1), École Polytechnique
INF554 Machine Learning I, 2018—2019 (Master 1), École Polytechnique
INF581 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 2017—2018 (Master 1), École Polytechnique
INF554 Machine Learning I, 2017—2018 (Master 1), École Polytechnique
DK904 Internet of Things Big Data Stream Mining, 2017—2018 (Master 2), Université Paris-Saclay
MAP670 Methods for Big Data Analytics, 2016—2017 (Master 2), Université Paris-Saclay
INF554 Machine Learning I, 2016—2017 (Master 1), École Polytechnique
DK904 Internet of Things Big Data Stream Mining, 2016—2017 (Master 2), Université Paris-Saclay
T-61.6030 Dynamical Models for Prediction and Decision Making, 2015—2016 (Master), Aalto University
Tratamiento de datos, 2013—2014 (Master), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Signals and Systems, 2013—2014 (Year 3), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid